Std Part/ro

Std Part

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A se vedea, de asemenea,
Std Group, PartDesign Body


Part(piesa) este un container de uz general care ține împreună un grup de obiecte astfel încât ele pot fi mișcate ca o unitate. Piesa poate conține majoritatea obiectelor FreeCAD, cum ar fi corpurile PartDesign, obiecte ale atelierului Part, obiecte Mesh etc.

Piesa oferă un sistem local de coordonate la care se pot atașa schițe și alte obiecte.

Although it is primarily intended for solid bodies, the Std Part can be used to manage any object that has a Placement property, so it can also contain Mesh Features, sketches, and other objects derived from the App GeoFeature class.

O Piesă se află în bara de instrumente Structure care este afișată în toate atelierele de lucru.

The Std Part tool is not defined by a particular workbench, but by the base system, thus it is found in the structure toolbar that is available in all workbenches. To group objects arbitrarily without considering their position, use Std Group; this object does not affect the placements of the elements that it contains, it is essentially just a folder that is used to keep the Tree view organized.

Left: elements inside a Std Part in the Tree view. Right: objects positioned in space, referred to the Origin of the Std Part.

Cum se folosește

  • Press the Create part button in the toolbar. The Part automatically becomes active.
  • Double-click the Part in the Model tree to activate or deactivate it.
  • To add objects to a Part, drag & drop them over the Part in the Model tree.
  • To remove objects from a Part, drag & drop them out of the Part and on the document label at the top of the Model tree.



The Std Part, internally called App Part (App::Part class), is derived from the App GeoFeature (App::GeoFeature class) and inherits all its properties. It also has several additional properties. Notably properties that help it manage information in the context of an assembly, for example, DateType, DateId, DateLicense, DateLicenseURL and DateGroup.

These are the properties available in the property editor. Hidden properties can be shown by using the Show all command in the context menu of the property editor.



  • DateId: ID (Part number) of the item. This field is optional.
  • DateLicense: the license under which the part is released.
  • DateLicense URL: the Web address where the terms license can be found.
  • DatePlacement: specifies the orientation and position of the Part in the 3D space. See Placement.
  • DateLabel: the Label is the name given to the operation. This name can be changed at your convenience.
  • DateGroup: lists the referenced objects.


Display Options


Detailed explanation

Status Active

A FreeCAD document can contain multiple Parts. Only one Part can be active at a time. An active Part will be displayed in the tree with a light blue background color.

An open document can contain multiple Parts. But only one Part can be active. The active Part is displayed in the tree view with the background color specified by the Active container value in the preferences editor (by default, light blue). It will also be shown with bold text.

To activate or de-activate a Part:

Document with two Std Parts, of which the second one is active.


The Origin consists of the three standard axes (X, Y, Z) and three standard planes (XY, XZ and YZ). Sketches can be attached to these planes. All elements inside the Part are referenced to the Part's Origin; which means that the Part can be moved and rotated in reference to the global coordinate system without affecting the placement of elements inside it.

The Origin consists of the three standard axes (X, Y, Z) and three standard planes (XY, XZ and YZ). Sketches and other objects can be attached to these elements when creating them.

Left: Part Origin in the Tree view. Right: representation of the Origin elements in the 3D view.

Note: the Origin is an App Origin object (App::Origin class), while the axes and planes are objects of type App::Line and App::Plane respectively. Each of these elements can be hidden and unhidden individually with the Space bar; this is useful to choose the correct reference when creating other objects.

Note 2: all elements inside the Part are referenced to the Part's Origin which means that the Part can be moved and rotated in reference to the global coordinate system without affecting the placement of the elements inside.

Managementul Vizibilității

The Part's visibility supersedes the visibility of any object it contains. If the Part is hidden, the objects it contains will be hidden as well, even if their visibility is set to true. Multiple objects inside a Part can be visible at a time.

The Part's visibility supersedes the visibility of any object it contains. If the Part is hidden, the objects it contains will be hidden as well, even if their individual VizualizareVisibility property is set to true. If the Part is visible, then each object's VizualizareVisibility determines whether the object is shown or not.

The visibility of the Std Part determines whether the objects grouped under it are shown in the 3D view or not. Left: the Part is hidden, so none of the objects will be shown in the 3D view. Right: the Part is visible, so each object controls its own visibility.


See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics and scripted objects.

See Part Feature for the general information on adding objects to the document.

A Std Part (App Part) is created with the addObject() method of the document. Once a Part exists, other objects can be added to it with the addObject() or addObjects() methods.

import FreeCAD as App

doc = App.newDocument()
part = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::Part", "Part")

obj1 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::Body", "Body")
obj2 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")

part.addObjects([obj1, obj2])

You cannot create a scripted App::Part. However, you can add App::Part behavior to a scripted Part::FeaturePython object by using the following code:

class MyGroup(object):
    def __init__(self, obj=None):
        self.Object = obj
        if obj:

    def dumps(self):

    def loads(self, _state):

    def attach(self, obj):
        obj.Origin = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::Origin", "Origin")

    def onDocumentRestored(self, obj):
        self.Object = obj

class ViewProviderMyGroup(object):
    def __init__(self, vobj=None):
        if vobj:
            vobj.Proxy = self
            self.ViewObject = None

    def attach(self, vobj):
        self.ViewObject = vobj

    def dumps(self):
        return None

    def loads(self, _state):
        return None
